Designer and constructor of renewable buildings, let’s innovate together

Designer and constructor of renewable buildings, let’s innovate together

Facing environmental, social and urban challenges, we design wooden and eco-friendly buildings, entirely scalable and convertible.

As each project is specific, we innovate with you from the designing of the building to offer the solution best suited to your needs.

Our strengths








Our vision


« We are sharing the ambition to make each project unique, actively taking part in a durable vision of real estate.

Combining human and technique, we offer an authentic environmental vision, relying on a renewable constructive solution. »

Together, let’s build the future !

Aline Maréchaux, Présidente


fond nouveau_Plan de travail 1.png
Procédé constructif Nano panneaux modulaires ossature bois isolation fibre de bois

The first renewable Renewable constructive process.

Our buildings are built with Nano®, pre-fabricated, wooden and eco-friendly elements that can be assembled and disassembled. Generating no waste, our buildings are designed to evolve and be transformed to meet your new needs. The Nano® combines constructive quality and flexibility, for permanent or temporary buildings.

They allow the realization of any type of project (reorganization, extension, reversibility, reuse… ) and any type of use (housing, tertiary or equipment).


I – A tailor-made architectural design

Part of prefabricated construction’s historical continuity, Nano® is a process designed by architects who wanted to offer a constructive process both performant and eco-friendly, conserving a real flexibility in architectural creation. And it is because all of our buildings are robust that they can be assembled / dismantle / reassemble several times.

This freedom is reflected in the shape of the buildings as well as in the possible choices of coating / covering (both interior and exterior).

This alliance between a constructive process optimising each building, a possibility of creating tailor-made projects and a capacity to reuse each modular element makes Nano an elementary module offering an answer to build the city of tomorrow.


II - Environmental respect from A to Z



Each Nano® is produced from biobased materials (wood collected in sustainably managed forests) and assembled in a manufactury throughout an an optimized industrial process. The Nano® are then brought and assembled directly on site without waterproofing the soil (no concrete slab) and without waste. This process allows us to build fast and to reduce the drawbacks of the construction phase and the environmental impact of our buildings.


Our buildings respect all the régulations of construction standards (structural, thermal, security, fires, reception buildings, handicap norms…)

Wood’s properties and the wooden fibred isolation that we use bring high-level structural and thermal properties. Allowing the construction of well isolated and low energy consuming buildings, (offering for example a very small thermal phase shift), our achievements  already allow to anticiapte the upcoming thermal regulations.

End of life

Designed to be entirely disassembled, each of our achievements is a Nano® mine modules (such as a Building As a Material Bank), intented to be reused in the realization of other projects. Creating a reuse chain to set up our durable vision of real estate, we generate almost no waste and minimise the extraction of primary ressources to make each of our realizations a low-tech and a frugal act, reducing significativly the environmantal impact of construction.


III - Scalability at the service of your project

A town can invest in a school today, which will become a nursery tomorrow. You are a private society ? Your offices, built with Nano, can move and become, somewhere else, new spaces.

In addition to the possibilities that it offers and regardless of the use or the type of building, flexibility allows to make extensions, heightening, evolutions…

In addition to the possibilities and whatever the use or type of building, the flexibility allows extensions, elevations, evolutions.

This wide range of possibilities makes Nano® a very scalable process.

Agilcare ERP démontable secours catholique

A proven experience of assembly / disassembly

Our different experiences of assembly – disassembly – reassembly of buildings allow us to test the resistance of our process.

Having reached maturity stage, we are able to propose this solution for the construction of high-height buildings, entirely demountable and reusable. (2).gif


The buildings presented below are all learning steps about setting up of Nano’s reversibility. Each experience has brought a new dimension to our Research & development and learnt us to build quality and entirely renewable buildings.

Rich from these feedbacks, we are now qualified to consider much larger projects.